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How to come to Hôtel Alnea

Hotel Alnea - Voiture

By car

Hôtel Alnea 20 rue Jean de Riouffe 06400 Cannes

GPS coordinates: Lat: 43.553279 - Lng: 7.017121

A drop-off area for 1 car is available in front of the hotel to allow you to unload your luggage easily. Do not hesitate to move the chain.

To park your car we advise different options:

- Private and secure car parks near the hotel :

  • Parking Ferrage-Meynadier P5 : 17€/24h - max height: 1,80m - charging stations for electric cars
  • Parking Vauban P7 : 16,60€ /24h - max height: 1,80m
  • Pantiéro P4 : 22,90€/24h - max height: 2,40m
  • Palais des Festivals P1: 22,90€/24h - max height: 1,80m
  • Saint Nicolas Effia: 21,50€/24h - max height: 2m

In high season, we recommend that you park directly in the car park of your choice when you arrive in Cannes, then bring your luggage to the hotel. This avoids the traffic and one-way streets of the city centre.

NOTE: From 4 days you can book a car park before your arrival at this link: (under 4 days, reservation is not possible)

- Surface parking spaces: There are surface parking spaces in the areas between 5 and 20 minutes walk from the hotel - including free ones in the neighbourhood of Avenue de Grasse and on the Pointe Croisette after the Hotel Martinez.

Hotel Alnea - Train

By train

We are only 2 minutes walk from Cannes railway station.
When getting out of the station, go on the right hand side. Pass in front of the supermarket Monoprix and Cannolive souvenirs Shop (on your left hand side). Keep going straight and turn left on rue Jean de Riouffe. The Hotel is situated on 20 rue Jean de Riouffe

Hotel Alnea - Avion

By plane

Cannes is 40 minutes from Nice-Côte d'Azur airport
From Nice airport, you have several options to reach Cannes:

  • Taxi or VTC driver (if you wish to book a driver to meet you at the airport, please contact us)
    Takes 30-40 minutes / Cost from 95€
  • Airport shuttle bus : Bus line 81 (ex 210) run from Nice airport to Cannes via the motorway: Departure from the airport Terminal 2 every 45 minutes from 8am to 8pm, then at 9pm (indicative times), for more information and online booking: or purchase on board the bus located at T2 (between gates A1 and A2) Takes 45 minutes - Indicative rate for One way: 19€
  • Train : The nearest train station from the airport is Nice Saint-Augustin station, . From Terminal 1 & 2, take the free tram line to the "Grand-Arénas" stop station, where Nice Saint Augustin train station is located.
    From there take a train to Cannes station. It takes about 40 minutes / Cost around 6,50€ with TER (regional train). It takes a little more time, but it is an economic solution.
  • Bus 620 : via the national road is the most economical way to get from Nice airport to Cannes (it's the 'longest' solution, but if you have time, why not!). The bus serves the ″Aeroport-Promenade″ stop, located on the Promenade des Anglais, 100 meters from terminal 1 (Gate A1).
    Take the Tram or Airport Shuttle from-to Terminal 2.
    The indicative fare is €2.20. Journey time is 80-90 minutes.

Enjoy the short access to the famous Croisette, to the shopping street rue d’Antibes and nearby restaurants. With family, friends or alone, the perfect central location of the Hotel Alnea in Cannes. The proximity to the Croisette and the Palais des Festivals will allow you to do everything on foot.

It’s location near the Cannes train station will allow you to easily journey throughout the French Riviera to visit the nearby towns: Antibes - Juan les Pins , Nice , Monaco , Menton , Grasse and even Ventimille in Italy


The Hotel Alnea is located in the heart of Cannes center , at only 100 meters from La Croisette with it’s Palais des Festivals and it’s sandy beaches, just a stone's throw from the Old Port of Cannes and a few minutes from the Old Market Forville and the historic district of le Suquet.

In the heart of Cannes

Take full advantage for this central situation during your stay: you will discover all Cannes secrets.
Cultural visits, shopping, sunbathing, outside sports , work meetings …  everything is possible in Cannes.

Contact us

+33 (0)4 93 68 77 77
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